het Theater Festival

“De Uitnodiging not only pushes the boundaries of realism, it also gives the public courage and hope - and makes the audience a little bit jealous at the sight of so much fragile communication and unapologetic happiness.”


De uitnodiging

Laura van Dolron


In 2021, Laura van Dolron made Geen verhaal, about divorce.  In 2022, Laura van Dolron made The Invitation, an ode to her new love.  

Laura wrote an ode to Mark. To love after divorce. About opening your heart. One more time. And now really completely. An ode to her lover and all people who take the plunge again despite bonding and separation anxiety. De Uitnodiging: a feel-good performance for drawn-out people.




Concept: Laura van Dolron
From and with: Laura van Dolron and Mark Kulsdom
Production and light: Maartje Simons
With surtitles in English on September 13
€18 / +65: €16 / -26: €14 / -18: €10
duration: 120 min.