het Theater Festival

Filip Tielens


Filip Tielens works as head of culture and media for De Standaard, where he coordinated coverage of the performing arts in recent years. He is founder of the multimedia production house De Zendelingen and closely follows (youth) theatre, dance and circus.

I am on the jury because …

because I follow the performing arts very closely and – out of an irrepressible missionary urge – I would like to attract as many audiences as possible to the performances that are dear to me or that I consider important for the development of theatre. And also because I would like to make the jury selection even broader, younger and more diverse.

An important performance for me is …

for me it’s a performance that makes me leave the room differently from the way I entered it. Because the performance made me think, because it made me feel something or because it made stories or world views that at first sight may be far away from me communicate with my own small life. But just as much because an artist is trying something new, because form and content are connected in an inseparable way, or because an artist can make the here and now of being together in the theatre rhyme with the world outside and the time we share together. Or all at the same time.